hey, sorry about the delay, I had a weird week and I might not update again for a few days, I'm getting eye surgery and I don't want to fuck up my eyes so soon after the laser thing, I know that you'll miss me more than anything in your life, but don't worry, I'll be back... even better than before...

  • this guy's story starts with a red paper clip, that he trades for a pen, that he trades for... well, go read it, he wants to trade up from that clip to a house or an island, he even had a skidoo at some point! hell, I might start the spanish version of that site ; )
  • a friend of mine just sent me a message from Budapest telling me that she got kicked out of Romania because she didn't have a visa (no, not that kind of visa, this kind of visa), so I started looking for a site with travel info and stuff, then I found wikitravel. it's a really cool site if you're planning on taking a trip somewhere, check it out.
  • ok, this is the coolest USB gadget ever, a USB Fondue! you can eat cheese and surf the net at the same time! god I love this age...

until next time! wish me luck!!!